Harris Avenue Shipyard Remediation

Client: Port of Bellingham
Comprehensive RI/FS characterization of upland, groundwater, and sediment contamination at a working port facility and implementation of an interim action.

Overview of Floyd|Snider Contributions

Lead consultant to Port of Bellingham
Comprehensive site-wide RI/FS, considering all upland to in-water transport pathways
Interim action strategy, design, permitting, and construction management
Upland and sediment cleanup integrated with infrastructure upgrades

Project Summary

The Harris Avenue Shipyard has operated in Fairhaven, adjacent to Bellingham Bay, since the early 1900s.

Upland soils, groundwater, and in-water sediments were contaminated with metals and petroleum-related compounds from decades of industrial operations. The Port of Bellingham owns the property and leases it to shipyard operators. Under MTCA and SMS, Ecology requires cleanup of soil, groundwater, and sediments, including management of all upland to sediment contaminant migration pathways.

The Harris Avenue Shipyard has operated in Fairhaven, adjacent to Bellingham Bay, since the early 1900s. Upland soils, groundwater, and in-water sediments were contaminated with metals and petroleum-related compounds from decades of industrial operations. The Port of Bellingham owns the property and leases it to shipyard operators. Under MTCA and SMS, Ecology requires cleanup of soil, groundwater, and sediments, including management of all upland to sediment contaminant migration pathways.

Our Approach

On behalf of the Port, Floyd|Snider conducted a comprehensive site-wide RI/FS to characterize the site and evaluate alternatives for cleanup of soil, groundwater, and sediments and control of contaminant migration.

Floyd|Snider assisted the Port, Ecology, and other responsible parties to select a preferred alternative for comprehensive cleanup that supports future uses of the property. In addition, to support shipyard development and time-critical replacement of failing waterfront structures, Floyd|Snider designed and negotiated an interim action, in which primary upland sources of contamination were removed and a significant portion of the sediment remediation was conducted. Floyd|Snider negotiated the interim action with Ecology, obtained all necessary permits, and provided environmental compliance services as part of the construction management team. Following finalization of the RI/FS, Floyd|Snider assisted the Port with preparation of a draft Cleanup Action Plan while supporting negotiation of an Agreed Order for development of remedial design documents.

Project Milestones:

2019. Interim action completed
2019. RI/FS finalized
2020. Agreed Order amendment and Cleanup Action Plan for final remedial action

On behalf of the Port, Floyd|Snider conducted a comprehensive site-wide RI/FS to characterize the site and evaluate alternatives for cleanup of soil, groundwater, and sediments and control of contaminant migration. Floyd|Snider assisted the Port, Ecology, and other responsible parties to select a preferred alternative for comprehensive cleanup that supports future uses of the property. In addition, to support shipyard development and time-critical replacement of failing waterfront structures, Floyd|Snider designed and negotiated an interim action, in which primary upland sources of contamination were removed and a significant portion of the sediment remediation was conducted. Floyd|Snider negotiated the interim action with Ecology, obtained all necessary permits, and provided environmental compliance services as part of the construction management team. Following finalization of the RI/FS, Floyd|Snider assisted the Port with preparation of a draft Cleanup Action Plan while supporting negotiation of an Agreed Order for development of remedial design documents.

Project Milestones:

2019. Interim action completed
2019. RI/FS finalized
2020. Agreed Order amendment and Cleanup Action Plan for final remedial action

Project Team

Historical Research Associates
Anchor QEA