Office Happenings

Floyd|Snider Facilitates Innovative Industrial Stormwater Treatment Brainstorming

Floyd|Snider recently wrapped up a contract with the City of Seattle to brainstorm alternative approaches to stormwater permitting, treatment, and compliance in urban industrial neighborhoods. As a follow-on to the Mayor’s Maritime and Manufacturing Summit, the project explored, from a physical, legal, and regulatory context, the potential of installing multi-party sub-basin treatment as a potential regional approach to stormwater permitting, treatment, and compliance. Floyd|Snider facilitated a Work Group including the City of Seattle Economic Development and SPU, King County, Ecology, ECOSS, industrial stormwater permittees, and technical and legal experts to advance this concept, as well as discuss other alternative stormwater management and compliance approaches. Key Floyd|Snider staff included Kate Snider, PE, and Allison Geiselbrecht, PhD.