Jessi Massingale Presents at Prince William Sound Natural History Symposium

On May, 14, 2024, Floyd|Snider Principal Jessi Massingale presented on the Beatson Mine Remediation Project at the PWS Stewardship Foundation’s Natural History Symposium. On behalf of our client, Rio Tinto, Jessi presented an overview of the mining history at the Beatson Mine Site and described existing conditions at the site. The presentation also included information on current efforts to develop a cleanup plan in coordination with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Chenega, and other stakeholders.
The planned cleanup at the Beatson Mine Site will result in significant improvements to the site including removal of waste rock piles and metal and timber debris, as well as removal of a derelict aboveground storage tank and piping. Surface water and groundwater will also be remediated through removal of known sources of metals leaching. The cleanup project will revegetate areas of the site where waste rock and debris are removed, aiding in restoring the land to its prior state.
Click here to learn more about the Prince William Sound Natural History Symposium.