Quiet Sound—Southern Resident Orca Task Force

Client: Port of Seattle
Project management, facilitation, and technical support for the development of a recommended structure and process for implementing a program to reduce underwater noise from commercial vessels.

Overview of Floyd|Snider Contributions

Broad stakeholder engagement including tribal coordination
Multi-agency facilitation
Complex project management
Organizational development support

Project Summary

Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force issued their Task Force Report and Recommendations in November 2018.

One of the key recommendations was to “implement shipping noise-reduction initiatives and monitoring programs, coordinating with Canadian and U.S. authorities.” The Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, Northwest Seaport Alliance, Washington State Ferries, NOAA, and the Puget Sound Partnership co-convened a highly productive day-long workshop in October 2019 to discuss implementation of the Task Force recommendation and identify ways to reduce underwater noise in Puget Sound. The workshop was attended by 75 state, federal, tribal, and Canadian government representatives, researchers, natural resource agencies, whale conservation groups, and representatives of the maritime industry. Following the workshop, the Quiet Sound Planning Team was formed to develop a recommended structure and process for implementation of the program for Washington waters.

Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force issued their Task Force Report and Recommendations in November 2018. One of the key recommendations was to “implement shipping noise-reduction initiatives and monitoring programs, coordinating with Canadian and U.S. authorities.” The Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, Northwest Seaport Alliance, Washington State Ferries, NOAA, and the Puget Sound Partnership co-convened a highly productive day-long workshop in October 2019 to discuss implementation of the Task Force recommendation and identify ways to reduce underwater noise in Puget Sound. The workshop was attended by 75 state, federal, tribal, and Canadian government representatives, researchers, natural resource agencies, whale conservation groups, and representatives of the maritime industry. Following the workshop, the Quiet Sound Planning Team was formed to develop a recommended structure and process for implementation of the program for Washington waters.

Our Approach

Floyd|Snider was engaged by the Port of Seattle to provide project management, facilitation, and technical support for the project.

Our initial phase of work—planning, implementing, and documenting the 2019 workshop—included providing briefings to Port Commissioners and Northwest Seaport Alliance Managing Members, coordinating workshop invites, coordinating speakers and logistics for the workshop, and facilitating the 75-person, day-long workshop to receive input from a wide range of stakeholders, including multiple tribes and nonprofits. Subsequently, Floyd|Snider provided facilitation of a multi-agency planning team in development of a proposed organizational structure, approach, and briefing materials for “Quiet Sound,” a new program in Washington waters to reduce underwater noise from commercial vessels in support of orca recovery.

Project Milestones:

2018. Governor’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force Recommendations issued
2019. Broad stakeholder workshop on underwater noise reduction
2020. Final Quiet Sound program recommendations

Floyd|Snider was engaged by the Port of Seattle to provide project management, facilitation, and technical support for the project. Our initial phase of work—planning, implementing, and documenting the 2019 workshop—included providing briefings to Port Commissioners and Northwest Seaport Alliance Managing Members, coordinating workshop invites, coordinating speakers and logistics for the workshop, and facilitating the 75-person, day-long workshop to receive input from a wide range of stakeholders, including multiple tribes and nonprofits. Subsequently, Floyd|Snider provided facilitation of a multi-agency planning team in development of a proposed organizational structure, approach, and briefing materials for “Quiet Sound,” a new program in Washington waters to reduce underwater noise from commercial vessels in support of orca recovery.

Project Milestones:

2018. Governor’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force Recommendations issued
2019. Broad stakeholder workshop on underwater noise reduction
2020. Final Quiet Sound program recommendations

Project Team

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The Port of Seattle has considered Floyd|Snider a trusted advisor for many years. We’ve engaged them for services that range from stakeholder facilitation to sediment cleanups to permitting to engineering. Floyd|Snider consistently delivers on-time, on-budget, and with outstanding quality and professionalism. It’s always a pleasure to work with the Floyd|Snider team!

Jon Sloan, Sr. Manager, Maritime Environment & Sustainability, Port of Seattle
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Floyd|Snider provides an impressive mix of key skillsets to navigate through complex problems. They professionally integrate technically sound approaches within regulatory and political realities to produce effective solutions. They know how to leverage multiple stakeholder input to achieve best outcomes while staying on budget and schedule.

Captain Mike Moore, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association