Reichhold / SSA Containers Facility
Client: SSA Marine
Overview of Floyd|Snider Contributions
Project Summary
In 2006, SSA Marine (SSA) purchased the former Reichhold Chemical property on the east side of the Blair Waterway in Tacoma, Washington.
In 2006, SSA Marine (SSA) purchased the former Reichhold Chemical property on the east side of the Blair Waterway in Tacoma, Washington. Soil and groundwater at the property were contaminated with pentachlorophenol and dioxins/furans. Reichhold Chemical had implemented several interim actions under RCRA, but with the purchase, SSA assumed liability for completion of facility demolition, final cleanup actions for soil and groundwater, and property redevelopment. Final cleanup actions were completed in 2016, property ownership was transferred to Prologis, and the property was successfully redeveloped with freight storage and logistics warehousing. Floyd|Snider managed all cleanup actions and compliance monitoring on behalf of SSA and supported Prologis during development.
Our Approach
Following SSA’s acquisition of the former Reichhold Chemical property, Floyd|Snider produced a Focused Feasibility Study defining final cleanup actions required at the site to support industrial development.
Floyd|Snider prepared an engineering design report, acquired Ecology design approval, prepared construction plans and specifications, managed contractor procurement, and provided construction management for soil excavation of listed waste with extensive vapor controls during excavation. Odor-suppressing foam was specified for control of noxious chemical odors during construction. Floyd|Snider acquired permitting for off-site disposal of listed waste with special handling requirements and provided associated groundwater and surface water management.
Project Milestones:
2008. Consent Decree and CAP Finalized
2009. Remedial Design and Soil Cleanup Action Completed
2012. On-Site Soil Treatment Cell Closure
2016. Cleanup Actions Completed
2020. Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Completed
Following SSA’s acquisition of the former Reichhold Chemical property, Floyd|Snider produced a Focused Feasibility Study defining final cleanup actions required at the site to support industrial development. Floyd|Snider also assumed responsibility for supporting SSA in the continued operation of soil and groundwater remedial processes established by Reichhold Chemical. This work included ongoing groundwater extraction and treatment; treatment of soil isolated in on-site biological treatment cells, with monitoring and placement of treated soil in an on-site Corrective Action Management Unit; and excavation and disposal of remaining soil hot spots.
Floyd|Snider prepared an engineering design report, acquired Ecology design approval, prepared construction plans and specifications, managed contractor procurement, and provided construction management for soil excavation of listed waste with extensive vapor controls during excavation. Odor-suppressing foam was specified for control of noxious chemical odors during construction. Floyd|Snider acquired permitting for off-site disposal of listed waste with special handling requirements and provided associated groundwater and surface water management.
Project Milestones:
2008. Consent Decree and CAP Finalized
2009. Remedial Design and Soil Cleanup Action Completed
2012. On-Site Soil Treatment Cell Closure
2016. Cleanup Actions Completed
2020. Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Completed