Lisa Meoli, MA

Senior Environmental Historian

MA, History, Arizona State University, 2016
BA, Anthropology, Indiana University, 1997

Joined Floyd|Snider: 2007

Lisa Meoli is a Senior Environmental Historian with expertise in complex historical and litigation research and site investigation. Lisa’s extensive experience includes a diverse array of projects with both historical and environmental focus spanning a 20-year consulting career. Her specialties include compiling regional and local site histories and operational and production histories of industrial facilities and other properties. Lisa supports client litigation, property transactions, and all phases of site assessment and cleanup allocation. She also teams with other consultants on cultural resources projects and has extensive archaeological survey and excavation experience in the Pacific Northwest.

Professional Strengths

Knowledge of and skill in applying historical principles and research methods to a diverse range of projects

Ability to piece together and interpret complex historical records from available client, public, and private sources resulting in fact-based narratives

Familiarity and experience with public archives and online repositories of historical site and product records

Professional connection in the local historical community through consultation and publication