Uplands Cleanup and Redevelopment Services
From concept through completion, we assist clients with strategies for cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated upland properties. Our work includes remedial investigation, feasibility studies, remedial design, comprehensive permitting, and construction management. We support clients during due diligence, allocation and litigation, resolution of environmental liability, and property transaction phases of projects. We frequently work on multiparty sites, with complex contamination pathways, intermingled groundwater contaminant plumes, and upland to in-water contaminant pathways.
Most often, we consult on upland projects from investigation to remedy selection and remedial construction. We are also frequently brought on to stalled projects to review and revitalize the work, rebuild stakeholder relationships, and develop an approach that progresses or attains project goals. Our team of geologists and engineers are skilled in evaluation and implementation of a full range of remedial alternatives, including removal and disposal, in situ and ex situ treatment, and natural recovery technologies.