On January 2, 2013, Floyd|Snider welcomed Ken Preston to our team. Ken brings to the firm over 30 years of experience in construction estimating, negotiations, and construction supervision for innumerable waterfront development and remediation projects,…
Floyd|Snider was recently contracted by the Port of Tacoma (Port) to assist in the permitting and cutback characterization of the Pier 4 Reconfiguration Project. As part of the Port’s redevelopment of the General Central Peninsula…
Floyd|Snider, with teaming partners Herrera Environmental and Axis Environmental, recently contracted to assist the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) with an analysis of the environmental permitting requirements for a dredge event in Capitol…
This year, Floyd|Snider held its annual retreat at IslandWood, an environmental learning center on Bainbridge Island. The staff enjoyed a stimulating morning of brain-storming and a warm, sunny afternoon outdoors. Everyone participated in a World…
Floyd|Snider is please to welcome Jason Taylor. Jason Taylor joined the Floyd|Snider team in 2012 and primarily works to assist both GIS and database efforts. Jason has a wide range of experience including water quality…
A profile on Floyd|Snider was featured in the May Pacific Northwest edition of Forbes Magazine, in a special promotional section on “Women in Business.” Click on the article image to read the piece.
After serving as the intern at Floyd|Snider this past winter, Jenny Graves has now joined the F|S team! Jenny is a civil/environmental engineer with experience in environmental engineering, surface and stormwater health and management, wetland…
Floyd|Snider has just completed a project assisting the Port of Seattle (Port) and their civil T10 predesign consultants with permitting, environmental constraints, and agency negotiation support for the Terminal 10 (T-10) utility development project! T-10,…
Floyd|Snider wishes congratulations to Megan McCullough for achieving her Professional Engineering license Megan McCullough. Megan has been an engineer at Floyd|Snider for over 5 years and has applied her engineering experience to projects that include…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) selected Kiewit-General-Manson, A Joint Venture, with Floyd|Snider as a teaming member, as the apparent best price and technical proposal for replacing the aging State Route 520 floating bridge.…