Olympia Washington State Capitol State Legislature Government Building and Lake Landscape

Deschutes Estuary Restoration Project Begins

Floyd|Snider is contracted to the Department of Enterprise Services to lead design and permitting for the Deschutes Estuary Restoration Project, along with KPFF Consulting Engineers and key teaming partners.

An arial image of the Vigor Shipyard facility looking west over the Duwamish Waterway. The newly planted habitat area is in the foreground at low tide, with sediment and the berm exposed. Industrial facilities and the Seattle skyline fill the background.

Habitat Restoration Complete at Vigor Shipyard

June 2023 saw completion of a precedent-setting new aquatic habitat restoration project designed to support juvenile salmon migration at Vigor Shipyards (Vigor) on Harbor Island, at the mouth of the Duwamish River.

Collage on a light blue background with images of Floyd|Snider staff working in the field and participating in science as kids.
Office Happenings

Celebrating Women and Girls in Science

Floyd|Snider is celebrating the 8th annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science. As a women-owned business, we know the importance of achieving full and equal access to and participation in science for all women and girls.